القائمة الرئيسية


درس الثاني من مادة الإنجليزية Simple Modals and Perfect Modals

Simple Modals and Perfect Modals

هناك نوعين من [modals] النوع الأول يسمى [simple modals] . النوع الثاني من [modals] يسمى [perfect modals] أو [past modals] و هذا النوع يدل على الماضي عامة.
هناك مجموعة من [simple modals] في الإنجليزية مثلا:
Can | May | Must | Could | Might | Need to | Have to | Should | Ought to | Had to 

كل هذه [modals] يتبعها الفعل في [infinitive] يعني الفعل الذي يأتي بعد هذه [modals] لا يتغير. مثلا:
1. I can speak English
2. You should revise your lessons
3. Muslim people must fast in Ramadan
4. I may come visit you if I have time
5. You ought to prepare well for your exams

عند دراسة [modals] في الإنجليزية فنحن نركز على معاني هذه الكلمات الصغيرة. في الجدول أسفله تجد شرحا مبسطا لجميع [simple modals] مع الأمثلة و الترجمة العربية.

Perfect Modals

بالنسبة ل [perfect modals] فهي ليست كثيرة جدا و تتكون من [modal+have] يعني كلمتين و تختلف عن [simple modals] في كل من القواعد و كذلك المعاني. مثلا:
Should have | Could have | May have | Must have | Might have 

هذا النوع من [modals] لا يتبعه الفعل في [infinitive] مثل حالة [simple modals]، و لكن الفعل الذي يتبع [perfect modals] فيكون في صيغة [past participle]. مثلا:
1. You should have revised your lessons.
2. I could have visited you, but I didn't have time.
3. I don't know where my phone is. I may have left it at home.
4. She got a good mark. She must have revised her lessons well.
5. He is so late. He might have missed the bus this morning.

بالنسبة لمعاني هذه [perfect modals]، في الجدول أسلفه تجد جميع [perfect modals] و معانيها مع الترجمة العربية.

Simple Modals and Perfect Modals Exercise

إقرأ الجمل جيدا و حاول أن تفهم المعنى ثم إختر [modal] الصحيح من لائحة الإختيارات.
تذكر أنه قبل الأفعال التي توجد في صيغة [infinitive] نحتاج ل [simple modals] و قبل الأفعال التي توجد في صيغة [past participle] نحتاج ل [perfect modals]. مثلا:
1. I can speak English very well.
2. You should have visited a doctor before

.I am very intelligent. I ( can / should have / must )  solve difficult math equations easily   

   When I was a little baby, I ( could have / can / could ) play with my toys for for a very   
long time
The audience were laughing a lot yesterday. They ( must have /must / should have ) enjoyed the show.
.I am not sure about it, but I ( may have / may / should )  come to your birthday party if I have time.
It is an obligation that Muslims (may / should have / must ) pray five times every day.  

Muslim people ( must /might have / mustn't )  eat or drink during the day in Ramadan.  

The journalist Jamal Kashogi ( should have / shouldn't have / may ) accepted the   invitation to visit the consulate in Istanbul

The Moroccan athlete Hicham Elgarrouj ( should have / must have / could )  trained a lot before winning two golden medals before

Cristiano Ronaldo ( should / should have / could have ) stayed in Real Madrid, but he needed a lot of money

The robots can talk, walk and dance, but they ( mustn't / should / can't ) cry or love.

When you see the red light, you ( may / must / could have ) stop the car and wait for the green light

My friend is very late for work today. He ( might have / should have / may ) missed the 7:00 train this morning

The situation of your health is very bad now. You ( should have / must have / should ) seen a doctor before

If you want to get a good mark in your exam, you (  ought to / shouldn't have / could have)  revise your lessons very well

We have plenty of food in the fridge. You ( should have / ought to / needn't buy any for today

He died in prison last year. He ( should have / may have / may ) eaten something poisonous inside

You are smiling all the time. You (must have / may / must ) be an optimistic person in your life

FC BARCALONA ( must have / could have / can )  won the last El-Classico game, but they didn't play well

Ahmed dropped out of school at an early age. He( must have / should have / could )   completed his studied

The mosque is a sacred place. People ( can / must / can't go inside with their shoes on  


 the correct answers.

1. can
2. could
3. must have
4. may
5. must
6. mustn't
7. shouldn't have
8. must have
9. could have
10. can't
11. must
12. might have
13. should have
14. ought to
15. needn't
16. may have
17. must
18. could have
19. should have
20. can't
